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Roe v. Wade was struck down in the U.S in June 2021, making access to safe abortion illegal. Can it happen in Canada? Likely not. But anti-choice folks would sure love to see access restricted.  We felt it was time to provide a helpful resource to Canadian women to ensure that women retain the right to choose.  And wor, to see that safe, affordable access is expanded.  This zine provides an overview of reproductive rights history plus a list of organizations to support. 

LiisBeth Reproductive Rights Advocacy Zine


    © 2024 by pk mutch. All rights reserved. 

    With humility and gratitude, I acknowledge that as a settler, I  live, work, and play primarily on the traditional territory of tkaranto (Toronto), Treaty 13, a site of work, life and play since time immemorial, with acknowledgement to the Mississauga of the Credit, Anishinaabe, the Wendat and the Haudenosaunee, To learn more about Treaty 13 here. I work to continuously learn and advance recommendations set out in both the TRC and MMIW reports. 

     I  acknowledge and work to protect the source of all life in this area, The Don Valley Watershed

    I acknowledge and commit to fighting systemic and cultural racism, including anti-Black racism and racism against those who are Indigenous. 

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